Monday, July 28, 2014

Akendengue – Sarraounia (1986)

Reflecting on the nearly thirty years that have passed since this record was issued, it is shocking to realize how profoundly the world has changed. While we endeavor to preserve forgotten music from that era, I fear we have been less successful conserving the spirit of the day, when the culture of rebellion and revolution was vibrant. Indeed, even in the (many) months since I have been able to contribute here, the state of the world has altered dramatically.

Sarraounia is the seminal anti-colonial movie from the great Mauritanian director, Med Hondo.   Who better to provide the music for a liberation movie than Pierre Akendengue, whose entire repertoire is filled with liberty?

Like most soundtracks, there is some repetition with versions for different scenes. This is a short album, and it will be a short introduction to it as well, for my time is still considerably limited. If you have not seen the movie, too bad, for it truly may be virtually lost, but at least here you can listen to its voice. Akendengue's beautiful music gives me hope, and that is a good thing.


dial africa said...

Welcome back! And thank you for this LP!

Anonymous said...

i'll happily listen to anything by pierre akendengue. cheers.

Richie Roads said...

Welcome back!!

Apurva Bahadur said...

Thank you for reviving this blog. You were sorely missed! Apurva from Pune, India.

Franco said...

Thanks for this !

FilmAddict said...

While Akendengue is a true legend of African music, his rise is even more remarkable in the light of Gabon's low profile on the International music secene. I was one of the skeptics when i first read of him in Rough Guide to World Music:Africa and the Middle East but thanks to your blog, my admiration for him as a social figure and a brilliant musician whose style is as organic as Nascimento's work in Brazil has grown by leaps and bounds

Richie Roads said...

Dude, I miss you. Hope everything's good.

Anonymous said...

Setelah mencoba bertanya kepada orang-orang akhirnya dia menemukan OBAT KLAMIDIA yang ampuh dengan khasiat alami. Obat klamidia ini merupakan obat yang seratus persen menggunakan bahan yang diambil dari alam. Silahkan baca artikel selengkapnya. Obat alat vital bernanah secara alami ini lain daripada yang lain. Pengobatan ini berbeda dengan pengobatan pada umumnya. Karena kita ketahui sendiri pengobatan ini lebih menekankan dengan penggunaan bahan-bahan alami yang seratus persen berasal dari alam. Silahkan baca artikel selengkapnya. Ambeien dapat disembuhkan dengan mengonsumsi Obat ambeien , aman, halal, dan terjangkau yang bernama ambeclear. Tanaman Herbal yang bernama tanaman daun ungu merupakan bahan utama dari ambeclear. Silahkan baca artikel selengkapnya . Jika OBAT KUTIL KELAMIN medis ini ternyata juga tidak memberi kesembuhan, maka pengobatan alternative yang bisa menjadi pilihan adalah Obat kutil kelamin. OBAT HERBAL KUTIL KELAMIN ini lebih alami dan tanpa efek samping seperti pengobatan kimia lainya. Silahkan baca artikel selengkapnya

kingpossum said...

Hearty thanks for the post and your thoughtful notes. Blessings.

FuseREd said...

Thanks for your generosity in sharing all the great music. Hope post-blog life is treating you well. Surprised that nearly all the links were still working :)
